Sunday, January 16, 2011

Three substations later

Today we started out lazy.  Our only goal was to cook dinner and for that we'd planned on General Oglethorpe's Shrimp & Grits.  I'm a big Crook's Corner Shrimp & Grits fan myself, but a co-worker gave the recipe, spices & grits out as a favor at her wedding in Charleston. Tonight I thought we'd stray from our tried and true standard and venture into the world of shrimp & grits with country ham rather than the bacon we were accustomed to.  After all, anything is good with bacon crumbled on top, right?  But we're willing to give Gen. Oglethorpe a try.

We head out to the store just as our power went out.  We assumed innocently that it wouldn't be out long and things would be back to normal very soon.  Food Lion just happened to have shrimp on a bogo sale and things were looking great.  Until we called home.  Our daughter told us that the power continued to be out and we'd been gone more than an hour already.  Greg called the electricity co-op and they informed him that they had lost 3 substations and it may be a while before electrity was restored.  Bojangle's, here we come.  Thank you for the hot chicken and mashed potatoes.  As we sat down to start our dinner by candlelight guess what happened.

Tomorrow, I look forward to Oglethorpe's Shrimp & Grits.  I have both recipes posted on the recipe tab.  If you try them, I would highly recommend the Crook's Corner version.  It's fool proof and delicious.  I'll let you know about General Oglethorpe's tomorrow night.

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