Friday, January 7, 2011

Yeah, I work in the OR.

It ain't Grey's Anatomy.  Not by a long shot.  But if I close my eyes and pretend, I can see McSteamy in the locker room waiting for me.  I can't make that image last but about 3 seconds before reality sets in.

I'm a circulating nurse.  A circulating nurse is responsible for all aspects of the room that aren't sterile.  Mind you, we are trained to have a "sterile conscience."  Hard to explain that, but basically you walk around the room with your back to the outside of the room, your front to the sterile side and pay close attention to anything and everything draped in blue, including your surgeon.  We have no McSteamys or McDreamys where I work.  The only McSteamy we have would be situational McSteamy.  The OR room is too hot and you can't remove your sterile gown.... I guess that could get pretty steamy.

Did I ever tell you why I became a nurse?  Well, it's because they took art out of the public schools.  Yep.  In my junior year of Art Education at ECU.  Arg.

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