Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mud Slinger

This afternoon I called my mom.  One thing I know I can count on is that she'll more than likely have the most recent weather report.  "Rain", she says.   My driveway has been rendered impassable by our white Christmas.  We've been struggling with it ever since.  But the one good thing that has come of it  - I can flat out drive in mud.  It's nothing I aspired to, nothing I had on my bucket list, but now that I've gotten good at it, for some reason it's a pretty good adrenaline rush.

We have a flat section about 100 feet long and then it's about 200 feet at a 35-40 degree angle uphill.  I start at the very beginning of the drive.  I turn of the Vehicle Stability Assist.  I rev my motor because it makes me feel good.  Then I take off.  I speed up the driveway and shoot up the hill.  My car sways this way and that way. The wheels have a mind of their own.  The ten inch deep ruts try to grab the tires and throw me to the center where the ruts are deepest but alas, I'm the captain of this ship and I make it up the hill and park beside my deck.

I look back down the drive and the headlights of my husband's car shine brightly against the fog.  I see him slow down and I know he's turning his VSA off too.  Then he accelerates on the flat part, speeds up the hill being tossed and turned like a newspaper in a whirlwind and in a few shakey seconds, he's parked beside me.  He turns his interior lights on and gives me a great big toothy grin and two thumbs ups.  I'm hoping for a freeze tonight.  The mud is much easier to navigate when it's frozen, but not nearly as fun.  Nope, no where near.

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